Can Flat Shoes Cause Knee Pain? [Check if Yours Are]

A pair of unsuitable shoes can cause serious pain to your knee, feet and toes even it can damage muscles and ligaments in some cases. However, wearing the wrong shoes can cause knee pain. There has an optimal question to a large community that can flat shoes cause knee pain?

In this guide, we have covered the effect of flat shoes on knee pain. Also, you can find out how shoes are related to your knee pain and what kind of shoes are good for knee pain release. So, why delay? Let’s start now.

Can Flat Shoes Cause Knee Pain?

Keep in mind that flat shoes don’t mean something you can rely on upon without tension for your knee pain. because it depends on what types of flat shoes you are wearing.

Can Flat Shoes Cause Knee Pain

Since, since all flat shoes are not good for knee pain and all are not bad for knee pain so let’s know what types of flat shoes are beneficial for knee pain and what types are harmful.

Flat Shoes That Are Good For Knee Pain

When you are walking, several movements occur between the various joints in the lower part of the body. And this movement is related to your shoe structure, features and material. Remember that knee pens always need internal support that comes from some flat shoes.


Flat Sandel can prevent extreme pronation that is one of the main causes of knee pain. Good to know that excessive pronation can occur collapse in your arch. Also, it is responsible for leg rolling and rotating. So, a pair of flat Sandel is good for your knee pain.


Athletic shoe

The athletic shoe can respectively prevent injuries, fall down and knee pain. As well as, it provides comfort and increases user performance. An athletic shoe is designed with proper internal support, Firm Midsoles and cushioned footbed. That is why athletic shoes are reliable for knee pain.

Athletic shoe


Boots are always good for knee pain because this shoe provides stability in the ankle, feet and knees. Not only that, it can maintain the proper leg alignment.


Flat Shoe Types That Are Bad For Knee Pain

Ballet Flats

Ballet flats are designed without support for the arch and navicular joints. When you wear these shoes, your feet will always be in an unsafe position which can cause sprains and twist in your ankles. That’s why ballet flats are bad for knee pains.

Ballet Flats shoes

Flip flop shoes

The flip flop is a popular shoe to a vast number of people but it can cause knee and hip pain. Besides, this type of shoe is responsible for gait shortening that reduces walking comfort. As a result, the lower body part could face fatigue that can cause knee pain too.

Flip flop shoes

Why Are Flat Shoes Good For Knee Pain?

Although some exceptional flat shoes can cause overstretching and knee pain, in most cases, flat shoes are considered safe and comfortable for knee pain.

Here are some basic reasons that are why flat shoes are good for the feet.

  • Flat shoes can keep the foot in perfect alignment
  • These shoes have good shock absorption for feet
  • It keeps feet stable and comfortable
  • It supports in feet for rotating inward or pronating
  • Flat shoes reinforce your foot’s natural arch.

How Shoes And Feet Affect Your Knees?

Shoes and feet have a deep impact on knee pain. Let’s know what happens in your body lower structure when you step forward? The impact of every step falls on foot and ankle first, and then it goes up to the knees, hip and back.

How Shoes And Feet Affect Your Knees

The shoes that have not enough cushioned support and internal support can cause knee pain. Besides, improper shoes can cause knee pain when you want to move your posture and gait. Here are some ways that improper shoes can affect your knees.

Collapsed Arches

Arches may collapse when the shoes do have not enough support for feet. Continuing to walk in this position will cause pain in the feet, gradually spreading to the knees. Internal support is less flat, and flip flop shoes are mostly responsible for arches collapse.

High impact

Heel shoes are the main cause of high impact on the feet and knees. Especially, the most formal Stiletto heels have a bad impact on the knee because they cannot maintain body alignment.


Whenever you start to walk, there is a motion in the lower body part, which requires proper support to prevent unexpected knee bending. Moreover, support is mandatory for physical activities like running and playing. So, wear a pair of shoes with enough internal support.


Perfect alignment among the feet and hip is important to ensure knee comfort. The high heel can cause misalignment that Which puts extra pressure on the knees to move forward. As a result, knees pain can occur.


Overpronation refers to the twisting in the leg and knee that may happen when you step forward. This overpronation creates a lower motion that occurs strains and pain in the knees. As a result, you may fall into aches, knee pain and ligament injury.

Shortened Gait

Everybody has a natural gait that keeps the joints and knees healthiest. However, if your shoes are not adjustable, then you will automatically obey to reduce your motion. In some cases, you have to clench the toes to walk properly. As a result, shortened gait will occur in your legs, making you feel lower body fatigue and knee pain.

What Kinds of Shoes Should You Be Wearing When You Have Knee Pain?

Are you suffering from knee pain and thinking about buying a new pair of boots to support bad knees? Then it is important to know in advance what kind of shoes should be worn for knee pain. Here are the factors of ideal shoes for knee pain.

shoes for knee pain


Cushioned and padded footbed with gel or memory foam is best for knee pain because the cushioned bed can absorb shock and provide comfort. Apart from shock absorption, a foam footbed spreads the body weight evenly and reduces the knees’ impact. Therefore, choose a well-cushioned footbed when you have knee pain.

Firm Midsoles

Firm midsoles designed shoes are recommended for those who have knee pain. It refers to the hard material used beneath the heel, arch and mid-foot, and these features provide extreme stability, support and motion control.

Flexible Soles

Flexible shoes with flat shoes can reduce your knee pain because flat shoes don’t apply extra pressure to your ankles, toes or knees. Also, flat shoes can help release physical stress, as well as improves leg alignment.

Moreover, you can consider the below shoes for knee pains, and these are comfortable and effective to reduce knee pain.


Pick up a pair of Sandel with proper support if you are suffering from knee pain. The straps of Sandel provide better fit and stability. Note that closed-back clogs Sandel is better for knee pain.

Athletic shoe

Athletic shoes are also good for knee pain because these are designed with cushioned bed, midsole and minimum heel that control extreme motion and over-pronation.


Boots are naturally good for knee pain because they keep the feet stable and improve the ankle, toes, and knees. But it is good to avoid high heel boots, and the Wolverine DuraShock Work Boot is medically proven as an effective boot for knee pain.

Tips To Prevent Knee Pain with Your Shoes

If you suffer from knee pain then you know how painful it is. But choosing shoes with some consideration can release you from this painful experience. As well as you will enjoy the double pleasure of walking and running. Here are some quick tips for you that help to prevent knee pain.

  • Choose a pair of shoes with a proper shape that can keep your feet safe from injury
  • The shoes must be flat with internal support so that your feet won’t take additional pressure
  • The insole should be padded or cushioned for comfort at the feet
  • Your shoes should fit perfectly with your feet to avoid unexpected injury.
  • The outsole, heels and midfoot would be of hard material to support your ankle, feet, arch and toes.

Final Words

Knee pain may occur from wearing the wrong shoes, but mostly because of wearing high heel shoes. On the other hand, flat shoes are well known as the best shoe for knee pain. But in some cases, flat shoes can occur knee pain if there have not enough internal support. So, you can wear a flat shoe for preventing knee pain but not forget to choose with enough internal support.

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